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011 894 2167


The Southern African Dog Breeders Association (SABDA) is an Independant registry
body of pedigreee dogs and was established in 1989 and

has grown from strength to strength.


The SADBA recognises national and international achievements

and is very breeder friendly,
Accepting all other registry bodies registrations.

The registry body is dependant on the Breeder to give the correct Pedigree information. If the Breeding is found questionable the Breeder is approached by The SADBA and is given three chances to rectify the problem.
If this is not done then The SADBA will not register any of the
pups pertaining to that Breed.

The Adult breeding pair must be transfered into the Breeders name before a litter can be registered with the SADBA. The Registry body accepts
faxed or emailed details of litters.
To transfer the pup which has to be transferred within 90 days of purchase from a reputable breeder. It is the Breeder themselves who choose their own kennel name, this then gets checked on the SADBA database.


The Southern African Dog Breeders Association (SADBA)
Recognises the acheivements of the dog which are visable on
the three Generation certificate and is identifiable by
issuing differnet coloured certificates.


The SADBA has a good code of ethics and wishes to point
out that the Kennel Union of South Africa (KUSA) Does Not
recognise American Pit Bull Terriers and has NO CLUBS
Affilliated to SADBA.

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